Fact Sheets

The Water Resources Program has authored and/or co-authored the following Rutgers Cooperative Extension Fact Sheets:

Rutgers River Friendly Business Program Morris County Program Guidance, Bulletin E346b, March 2014

Rutgers River Friendly Business Program Morris County Program Overview, Bulletin E346a, January 2014

Rain Barrels Part IV: Testing and Applying Harvested Water to Irrigate a Vegetable Garden, FS1218, December 2013

Green Infrastructure Practices: Tree Boxes, FS1209, August 2013

Green Infrastructure: Converting Dry Detention Basins to Natural Ecosystems, FS1195, November 2012

Landscaping for Water Conservation, E341, 30pp., 9/7/12

Rain Gardens and Mosquitoes, FS1175, 3pp., 2/16/12

Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting for Plant Irrigation II: Water Quality and Horticultural Considerations, FS1165, 4pp., 12/20/11

Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting For Plant Irrigation I: Design Concepts and Water Quantity, FS1162, 5pp., 12/20/11

Stormwater Management in Your Backyard - Rain Garden Outreach Manual, E330, 3/1/11

Rain Garden Installation Services Directory for New Jersey, E326, 8/13/10

Rain Barrels Part I: How to Build a Rain Barrel, E329, 5pp., 3/9/10

Regional Stormwater Management Plans, FS1115, 2pp., 1/5/10

Pond and Lake Management Part I, Dealing with Aquatic Plants & Algal Blooms, FS1076, 3pp., 6/26/08

Pond and Lake Management Part II, Preventing Shoreline Erosion & Removing Sediments, FS1077, 2pp., 6/26/08

Pond and Lake Management Part III, Controlling Geese & Other Pests, FS1078, 2pp. 6/26/08

Rain Gardens, FS513, 4pp., 2/14/06

Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: Operating Permits, FS533, 4pp., 8/11/05

Municipal Stormwater Management Planning, FS557, 4pp., 8/11/05

New Jersey's Stormwater Regulations, FS556, 2pp., 8/2/05

Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: Accessorizing Your Septic System, FS532, 2pp., 4/13/05

Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: Five Levels of Protection, FS531, 4pp., 4/8/05

Onsite Wastewater Treatement Systems: The Maintenance and Care of Your Septic System, FS840, 4pp., 1/4/05

Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: Alternative Technologies, FS530, 4pp., 1/4/05

Wastershed Assessment, FS536, 4pp., 1/4/05

Point/Nonpoint Source Water Quality Trading Program for New Jersey, FS529, 4pp., 10/11/04

Drinking Water Standards, FS433, 4pp., updated 4/8/05

Drinking Water: What Tests Do I Need?, FS434, 4pp., updated 4/16/05

Water Resources Program  at Rutgers NJAES