Watershed Restoration and Protection Plan for Assiscunk Creek,
Burlington County, NJ
Project Overview:
The project area for this planning initiative consists of the headwaters of the Assiscunk Creek, an 11.2 square mile drainage area including the Annaricken Brook and the 4.8 square mile North Branch of Barkers Brook. Within this planning area, there are approximately 40 miles of mapped streams designated Category One, with the exception of Barkers Brook. While there are no major lakes in the sub-watersheds, there are three small impoundments that make up a total lake area of 2.8 acres within the planning area. The project area is completely within Burlington County and contains portions of Mansfield Township and Springfield Township. Of the land uses within the subject watershed, approximately 70 percent is designated as agricultural and agricultural wetlands with some suburban and typical small village development (NJDEP 1995/97 Land use/Land cover Update, Assiscunk, Crosswicks and Doctors Watershed Management Area, WMA-20). According to the New Jersey 2004 and 2006 Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report, segments of the Assiscunk Creek do not meet the criteria for the aquatic life designated use and are documented as impaired for pH, total phosphorus, benthic macroinvertebrates, and fecal coliform (FC). Several total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) have been developed to address these water quality impairments. They are as follows:
Due to the recognized impairments and value of this ecological resource, a Watershed Restoration and Protection Plan (WRPP) for this project area will be developed that, when implemented, will achieve the load reductions required by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) TMDLs, therefore bringing the waterway into compliance with surface water quality standards. Furthermore, the WRPP will aim to restore and protect the physical, biological and chemical integrity of these waterways, in particular the Category One segments, by fulfilling the nine minimum components of watershed planning and guiding the implementation of nonpoint source (NPS) pollution management measures.
This watershed-based plan will include the following:
The Assiscunk Creek Watershed Restoration and Protection Plan
Project Funding Source: NJDEP 319(h)