Projects & Programs - Keep the Rain from the Drain

Green Infrastructure Planning for Franklin Township, Somerset County, NJ

Project description:

This project is to conduct an updated impervious cover assessment (ICA) for Franklin Township, located in Somerset County, and develop a green infrastructure action plan and strategic plan.  These will be important tools to help Franklin Township move forward with reducing the impacts of stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces and implementing green infrastructure practices throughout the municipality. 

The Water Resources Program previously prepared an impervious cover assessment using the New Jersey Department of Environmenal Protection (NJDEP) 2007 land use/land cover geographic information system (GIS) data layer in 2015.  This plan will be updated using the latest NJDEP land use/land cover data layer from 2015. Impervious surfaces will be located and quantified in the ICA, and the runoff volumes associated with these impervious surfaces will be quantified. 

Using the data gained from the ICA, the RCE Water Resources Program will develop a green infrastructure action plan (Action Plan) for Franklin Township.  This Action Plan will be based upon the impervious cover reduction action plan developed for Franklin Township in 2015. Green infrastructure projects to manage stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces in Franklin Township will be identified in the Action Plan.  The Action Plan will also contain short-term goals that can be completed over the next five years. 

The green infrastructure strategic plan (Strategic Plan) incorporates the information from the ICA and Action Plan into an easy-to-read document that includes information from the Green Infrastructure Guidance Manual for New Jersey such as descriptions and images of various green infrastructure practices as well as information on community engagement and educational programs.  Artistic renderings for three of the proposed green infrastructure projects will be included in the Strategic Plan.  Long-term goals for green infrastructure implementation (i.e., for five (5) to twenty (20) years) will be set in the Strategic Plan, and an evaluation of local ordinances to determine where there are opportunities to alter ordinance language to encourage green infrastructure will be included.

Links are provided to the impervious cover assessment (ICA), green infrastructure action plan, and the green infrastructure stategic plan completed to date for Franklin Township.



Water Resources Program  at Rutgers NJAES