Project description:
This project is to conduct an impervious cover assessment for Madison and develop a green infrastructure action plan and strategic plan. These will be important tools to help Madison move forward with implementing green infrastructure practices throughout the municipality.
Objective 1 - Development of a green infrastructure action plan and a green infrastructure strategic plan for Madison Borough
These two documents will complete the green infrastructure planning requirements for the Sustainable Jersey Certification Program, obtaining 15 action points for the municipality. These documents will serve as a blueprint for installing green infrastructure throughout the community.
Task I -Prepare green infrastructure action plans for Madison Borough
The RCE Water Resources Program will develop a green infrastructure action plan for Madison. The Borough has identified 65 municipally owned properties for possible inclusion in the green infrastructure action plan. To identify opportunities for implementing green infrastructure practices to manage stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces, we will review digital imagery of these sites and conduct site visits. For each opportunity, appropriate green infrastructure practices will be identified. Green infrastructure practices such as rain gardens, bioswales, permeable pavements, rainwater harvesting systems, and constructed wetlands will be considered for each site. The environmental benefits for each recommended practice will be provided in the plan including stormwater volume managed, expected pollutant load reductions, and wildlife habitat enhancements. All suitable sites will be incorporated into the action plan. The plan will set short-term goals for green infrastructure implementation. The RCE Water Resources Program will assist Madison with community engagement activities to educate the public about green infrastructure and obtain their input to the plan.
Task 2- Create a green infrastructure strategic plan study for Madison Borough
The RCE Water Resources Program will prepare a green infrastructure strategic plan for Madison. The green infrastructure strategic plan will incorporate the information from Madison's Green Infrastructure Action Plan into an easy-to-read document that includes information from the Green Infrastructure Guidance Manual for New Jersey such as descriptions and images of various green infrastructure practices as well as information on community engagement and educational programs. Artistic renderings for three of the proposed green infrastructure projects will be included in the strategic plan. The plan will set long-term goals for green infrastructure implementation.
Objective 2 - Preparation of the green infrastructure engineering design plans
Plans are a great means of providing a municipality direction but only if the plans are implemented. To accelerate plan implementation, the RCE Water Resources Program will complete engineering design for one project identified in these plans. These engineering designs can be implemented by the municipality. Typically, the municipality's department of public works can implement these projects. Additionally, the RCE Water Resources Program will provide construction oversight for the installation of this project.
Links are provided to a community engagement PowerPoint presentation, the completed green infrastructure action plan, and the completed green infrastructure stategic plan.