Projects & Programs - Green Infrastructure Program

Green Infrastructure for the City of Newark

With the initial funding from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) of $200,000 for the City of Newark (2009-2011), the Rutgers Cooperative Extension (RCE) Water Resources Program partnered with the City of Newark and the Greater Newark Conservancy to conduct community-based initiatives that addressed environmental health issues through youth and homeowner education programs, green infrastructure training programs, and the implementation of four (4) green infrastructure practices in the City of Newark. As part of this initial funding, the framework for the City of Newark Green Infrastructure Initiative was created and priority environmental issues were addressed.  These environmental issues included efforts to adopt and retrofit vacant properties with green infrastructure practices, reducing nonpoint source water pollution through education programs, and reducing combined sewer overflows and flooding using green infrastructure practices.

The RCE Water Resources team establish partnerships with local organizations that where interested in formalizing a green infrastructure initiative in the City of Newark, and in September 2013, Newark DIG (Doing Infrastructure Green) was formed. The RCE Water Resources Program secured funding from NJDEP in 2013 for an additional $312,518 to work with Newark DIG partners and move forward with environmental justice projects by providing training for youth and adults as well as implementing demonstration green infrastructure practices throughout the City.

This funding will focus on education and training programs in teaching adults and youth the importance of water conservation, water reuse, and managing stormwater runoff in the City of Newark.  Green infrastructure practices and stormwater best management practices will be installed to capture, treat, and infiltrate (where possible) stormwater runoff.  The goal is that by capturing this runoff, nonpoint source pollution in waterways will be reduced as stormwater is captured, filtered, and infiltrated where possible using green infrastructure tools and techniques. 

The following objectives were completed by the project partners in August 2016:

Objective 1: Advancing the future of green infrastructure through community-based outreach, education, and training

Objective 2: Implementing green infrastructure at community gardens and urban farms

Objective 3: Implementing green infrastructure at residential properties

Objective 4: Delivering green infrastructure for schools

Objective 5: Implementing green infrastructure at parks and schools

Project Funding Source:
NJDEP 319(h)

Water Resources Program  at Rutgers NJAES