Projects & Programs - Keep the Rain from the Drain

Green Infrastructure Planning for North Camden, NJ

Project description:

As part of a New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) 319(h) grant, WM17-052 – Community-based Green Infrastructure Programs for the Cities of Camden & Gloucester, Camden County, New Jersey, the Water Resources Program partnered with the Camden County Soil Conservation District to “Prepare a neighborhood/sewershed analysis and green infrastructure implementation plan for priority Camden neighborhoods.”  The Water Resources Program completed a draft impervious cover assessment (ICA) which identifies the amount of impervious cover in North Camden and the runoff volumes associated with impervious cover for the New Jersey water quality design storm, 2-year design storm, 10-year design storm, and 100-year design storm.  This assessment provides the number of acres that should be disconnected to realize a significant reduction in runoff and pollutant loads.  

In addition, an impervious cover reduction action plan (RAP) has also been completed for North Camden expanding on the Camden feasibility study completed in 2011. An impervious cover reduction action plan is meant to provide the community with a blueprint for implementing green infrastructure practices that will reduce the impact of stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces. These projects can be implemented by a wide variety of people such as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, school groups, faith-based groups, social groups, watershed groups, and other community groups.

Water Resources Program  at Rutgers NJAES