Project Funding Source: NJDEP 319(h)
This project will develop an effective Regional Stormwater Management Plan (RSWMP) for the Pompeston Creek. To complete the RSWMP, a characterization and assessment of the drainage area will be completed including, as needed, detailed hydrologic, hydraulic, and water quality models of the waterway. Using the data collected for the characterization and assessment, a RSWMP will be developed addressing issues such as mitigation of increased volume and rates of runoff due to new and existing development, and the impact of these increases, including erosion and sedimentation, on the waterways. The RSWMP will address reduced stream baseflow due to increased impervious areas, nonpoint source pollution, water quality and biological impairments, and stream corridor restoration. The RSWMP will include an implementation plan that will make specific recommendations to achieve the goals and the objectives of the RSWMP. In the final phase of this project, several of the Best Management Practices (BMPs) recommended in the RSWMP will be implemented as demonstration projects.
For projects such as the Regional Stormwater Management Plan, one of our goals is creating a very detailed watershed characterization through the aid of USDA's Stream Visual Assessment Protocol. Visual assessments include the characterization of physical stream conditions such as channel stability, riparian buffer, water appearance, and many other parameters. The visual assessment process allows us to rate different features of a stream that often may not be quantifiable, and the process also allows us to be able to sort and organize the data collected with ease. Also, after biological and chemical water quality data are collected, we’ll be able to build relationships between stream structure, morphology, and land use with impairments in the waterway.
FINAL: Pompeston Creek Stormwater Characterization and Assessment
FINAL: The Pompeston Creek Regional Stormwater Management Plan
Engineering Drawings:
Project Partners:
• Pompeston Creek Watershed Association
• Burlington County Soil Conservation District
• Township of Delran
• Township of Moorestown
• Township of Cinnaminson
• Township of Riverton