Project Funding Source: NJDEP 319(h)
This project will develop and roll out an effective Regional Stormwater Management Plan (RSMP) for the Robinson's Branch that addresses both water quality and quantity problems. In order to complete the RSMP, a characterization and assessment of the drainage area will be completed including, as needed, detailed hydrologic, hydraulic, and water quality models of specific reaches. Using the data collected for the characterization and assessment, a RSMP will be developed addressing issues such as mitigation of increased volume and rates of runoff due to new and existing development, and the impact of these increases on the waterways. The RSMP will address reduced stream baseflow due to increased impervious areas, nonpoint source pollution, stream corridor restoration, public education and outreach, and BMP technology transfer to municipal, county, and state officials.
Performed in steps, or “Milestones,” the plan begins with the formation of a committee and the selection of a Lead Planning Agency (LPA) (Milestone 1). The committee appointed the Union County Division of Engineering to be the Lead Planning Agency. The LPA is a uniting factor for the plan and will be seeing the plan through until adoption and implementation.
Milestone 2 is the Characterization and Assessment (C&A) of the Robinson's Branch Watershed. This effort included reviewing existing water quality data, conducting stream visual assessments, reviewing engineering drawings of existing development and stormwater facilities, and a review of NJDEP’s GIS data for the watershed. Hydrologic and hydraulic models of this watershed were also performed.
Milestone 3 is a compilation of the issues determined to be of priority in the watershed. These issues were determined through the process of creating the Characterization and Assessment, field surveys, and meetings with engineers, the RSWMP committee and interested residents of the watershed. The purpose of this step is to set “drainage area-specific water quality, groundwater recharge and water quantity objectives”, in accordance with 7:8-3.5.
Milestone 4 identifies stormwater management strategies that will address the stormwater management of new and existing development and the drainage area-specific objectives that were determined in Milestone 3.
Links to the reports of Milestones 2, 3 and 4 can be found below. The Water Resources Program is working closely with NJDEP and all interested parties to ensure a complete, functional plan that will improve the management of the stormwater in the Robinson's Branch Watershed.
Deliverables to Date:
Engineering Drawings:
Engineering Drawing 2: Union County Vocational - Technical School
Demonstration Stormwater SwaleEngineering Drawing 4: Tamaques Park Lake Rehabilitation
Engineering Drawing 5: Unnatural Constriction Flooding
Engineering Drawing 7: Oak Ridge Golf Course
Water ReUse Ponds Concept PlanEngineering Drawing 8: Shackamaxon Golf Course
Infiltration Basin Concept Plans
• County of Union
• County of Middlesex
• Rahway River Association
• Somerset-Union County Soil Conservation District
• Middlesex County Soil Conservation District