Sussex County Green Infrastructure Program
What is Green Infrastructure?
Green infrastructure is an approach to wet weather management that is cost-effective, sustainable, and environmentally friendly. Green infrastructure management approaches and technologies capture and reuse stormwater to maintain or restore natural hydrology.
Why should we be concerned?
Water, stormwater, and sewer infrastructure systems in many communities are reaching the end of their functional life. Opportunities exist to reduce costs for maintaining and replacing this aging infrastructure using new techniques and technologies, better preparing our communities for a sustainable future. Green infrastructure planning and design approaches help communities reduce demands on existing infrastructure, extend its functional life where possible, and provide cost-effective and sustainable solutions
that conserve and protect water resources while improving the quality of life of our citizens.
What is Sussex County doing?
The Water Resources Program has partnered with the Sussex County Division of Planning to pilot a Green Infrastructure Program throughout the County. The program focuses on reducing impacts to waterways and communities from aging sewer infrastructure and flooding and promoting groundwater infiltration and recharge in support of the water resources planning goals of the County. The initial target will be to conduct a series of educational and training seminars for communities throughout Sussex County and to implement four green infrastructure demonstration projects.
The Sussex County Green Infrastructure Program will include:
Educational and Training Seminars Currently Offered:
1. Green Infrastructure: Opportunities for Municipalities
This program will provide municipal and public works staff
with examples of practical, proven approaches to managing
and improving existing facilities and infrastructure. Techniques
will be discussed that address nuisance flooding,
roadside and stormwater maintenance, good housekeeping
practices, and open space management.
Rain garden planting at Long Pond School
2. Detention Basin Retrofits and Maintenance
This seminar will outline strategies to reduce routine maintenance
costs for mowing and maintaining detention basins.
The program will also present techniques frequently used to
improve water “quality” treatment in detention basins while
maintaining the water “quantity” function of these systems.
3. Green Infrastructure: Projects & Programs for
Green Teams & Environmental Commissions
Green Infrastructure education programs and demonstration
projects provide the opportunity for municipal green teams
and environmental commissions to engage citizens in taking
the first steps towards a sustainable future. This seminar will
discuss several programs and available resources to organize
and lead community members in building a rain garden demonstration
project, implementing a water conservation
program through build-your-own rain barrel workshops, and
Sussex County Build a Rain Barrel Workshop
4. Green Infrastructure Planning, Design &
Implementation: Training for Design Professionals
This program will provide technical guidance, direction, and
resources for use by Engineers, Architects, Landscape Architects,
and Planners when preparing green infrastructure
solutions. The training will include discussions on site constraints,
design strategies, materials and construction techniques,
cost analyses, and regulatory requirements.
Sussex County Rain Garden Training Program
5. Green Infrastructure: Green Alternatives and Opportunities for Business & Industry
This seminar presented by Dr. Kevin Lyons at Rutgers University provides an overview of new and emerging technologies and programs that can be integrated into the way we conduct business in New Jersey to lessen the impact our commerce has on the environment. Details and discussions include information and resources involving “green” or “environmentally-friendly” purchasing practices. The goal of the seminar is to disseminate resource information to attendees for further investigation and adaptation into current business practices.
Sussex County Rain Gardens
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