Trenton is home to over 80,000 residents. As a densely populated urban community, Trenton has significant environmental issues that need to be addressed, and residents need information and tools to begin taking the action needed to improve their quality of life. Green infrastructure provides cost effective, sustainable solutions for addressing environmental health issues in urban communities through improved stormwater management and rainwater harvesting, emphasizing the use of natural systems and energy efficient technologies. Especially important in Trenton, where 21% of all properties are vacant and there are 2,400 vacant lots, green infrastructure can also be used to activate underutilized vacant land. This approach can help turn the 2,400 vacant lots in Trenton (21% of all city properties) into community assets.
The Rutgers Cooperative Extension (RCE) Water Resources Program, in partnership with Isles, Inc. and New Jersey Future, received a grant for $370,000 through the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection 319(h) program to pilot a community-based initiative addressing environmental health issues through job-skill training and the implementation of green infrastructure demonstration projects throughout the City of Trenton. This project will focus on priority environmental issues identified by the community including efforts to better manage vacant properties, reduce nonpoint source water pollution, reduce nuisance flooding, address the impact of brownfields on community health, and upgrade aging infrastructure. In collaboration with local residents and leaders, the grant partners will focus on three key objectives:
Objective 1: Establish and empower a community-based green infrastructure municipal action team
Objective 2: Identify appropriate demonstration green infrastructure project sites in the City of Trenton and prepare engineering design plans
Objective 3: Implement demonstration green infrastructure practices in partnership with residents and community organizations
Project Funding Source:
NJDEP 319(h)