Why Rain Barrels |
Take an active role in recycling
rainwater - install a rain barrel at your house! A
rain barrel is placed under a gutter's downspout next to a house to
collect rainwater from the roof. The rain barrel holds
about 50 gallons of water which can be used to water gardens and for
other uses. Harvesting rainwater has many benefits including
saving water, saving money on your bill, and preventing basement
flooding. By collecting rainwater, homeowners are also helping
to reduce flooding and pollution in local waterways. When rainwater runs off of hard surfaces like rooftops, driveways, roadways,
parking lots, and compacted lawns, it carries with it pollution to our
local waterways. Harvesting the rainwater in a rain barrel is
just one of the ways homeowners can reduce rainwater from running off
their property and possibly causing pollution and flooding problems in
local waterways.
Rain Barrel Workshop, NJDEP, Trenton, NJ; May 2010
Dear Project Partners:
I would like to thank all of you for your help with the Rutgers Cooperative Extension (RCE) Water Resources Program’s Rain Barrel education and outreach effort. Since 2009, we have distributed over 3,000 rain barrels through our various programs, allowing New Jersey residents to harvest over 4.2 million gallons of stormwater per year. While these programs have been a lot of fun and shown significant impact in raising awareness and changing behavior, the time has come for us to sunset this effort. Unfortunately, funding to support the program has dwindled over the years, making it impossible for the RCE Water Resources Program to continue to be a supplier of rain barrels and rain barrel programming. We hope you all will continue your efforts to work with New Jersey residents to harvest rainwater. Good luck with all your endeavors.Sincerely,
Christopher C. Obropta, Ph.D., P.E., Extension Specialist in Water Resources, and the entire RCE Water Resources Program
June 22, 2014
NOTE: Color of the barrel and spigot style may vary.
How do I install my rain barrel after I bring it home?
Follow the five steps outlined in the rain barrel brochure.
What if there's a heavy storm and my rain barrel overflows?
An overflow hose adapter is being installed in each rain barrel at
the "Build a Rain Barrel" workshops. The overflow hose
adapter can attach to a garden hose so that when the rain barrel
up, the overflow water can drain to a nearby garden or lawn area.
In addition to the overflow hose adapter, a manual or automatic
diverter can be purchased and installed on the gutter to divert
the rain water down the gutter like it would nornally do after the rain
barrel has reached its capacity.
What defense will my rain barrel have against mosquitoes?
You can purchase mosquito dunks, which are made from organic material that prevent mosquito larvae from forming. Another option would be to add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable cooking oil, which will not hurt your plants. The oil will float on the water's surface and suffocate the mosquito larvae. If that idea does not appeal, go to a nursery or garden supply store and see if they have ”summer horticulture oil."
Do not install your rain barrel without a garden hose. The open overflow hole will allow mosquitoes in.
Direct your garden hose to a garden area, lawn, or some distant runoff area away from the house.
My roof is small, is it even worth it for me to have a rain barrel?
Yes! For an 800 square foot roof area that is being drained into
one downspout gutter, 500 gallons of water will come off your roof in
an one-inch rain storm. If your entire neighborhood installs a
rain barrel, it may have an impact on flooding and water pollution
within your community.
Are there ways that I can decorate or disguise my rain barrel?
Yes! Lightly sand the exterior of the barrel with
sandpaper to get rid of the waxy coat on the barrel to ensure that a
paint primer has something to stick to. After sanding,
immediately spray the primer onto the barrel. After the primer
dries, you can paint the barrel. If you want to hand draw designs
to the barrel, acrylic-based paints work best. If you want to simply
wish to change the color of the barrel, you can use Krylon (TM) Fusion
Spray Paint for plastics or Rust-Oleum (TM) Plastic Primer that can be
found at home centers and hardware stores. After the paint dries,
apply a coat or two of polyurethane to protect the paint. You can
also construct an enclosure for the rain barrel or hide it amongst your
landscape to make it less noticeable. A trellis with vine plants
can be placed around your rain barrel to blend it within your landscape.
What precautions should be taken for your rain barrel?
Always keep the lid to your barrel tightly secured to avoid any
accidents involving children or animals. Please do not consume
water collected in your rain barrel.
Can I leave my rain barrel out in the winter months?
Why is Katie sad? Look at the bottom of her barrel!
It is best to bring your rain barrel indoors during the winter months, whether it is a wooden barrel or a plastic barrel.
However, it is acceptable to leave your rain barrel outside for
the winter as long as there is no water accumulating in the barrel. Simply
turn the barrel upside down and/or cover the barrel.
"See what happens when you don't drain my barrel and then you leave it out all winter?
Frozen water in
your barrel may cause the barrel to crack!"
I have previously applied a moss
killer on my roof, but I would like to collect water for my rain
barrel. What should I do?
Allow for a few (three or four) heavy rainfall events to occur before
collecting water for use with the rain barrel. To be cautious,
flush the first batch of water collected with the rain barrel. If
you would like a written confirmation that the water is safe, take a
sample of the water collected with the rain barrel to be analyzed at
your local water testing laboratory.
Is there a rain barrel brochure that I can download?
Yes! Feel free to download the rain barrel brochure by clicking here.
What else can I do to save water and prevent flooding and water pollution?
To save water, follow these tips:
For more information contact your closest Environmental & Resource Management County Agent:
Also, for more information contact your Rutgers Cooperative Extension County Office.
Rain Barrel Train-the-Trainer Program:
Rain Barrel Train the Trainer workshops are run throughout out the year where participants are provided with:
Barrel Delivery, New Brunswick, NJ
RCE Rain Barrel Fact Sheets ~
Rain Barrels Part I: How to Build a Rain Barrel, E329, 5pp., 3/9/10
Rain Barrels Part II: Installation and Use, FS1118, 3pp., 3/9/10
Rain Barrels Part III: Building a Rain Barrel from a Plastic Trash Can, FS1127, 3pp., 6/16/10